Las Vegas Office: 702.254.4455
Henderson Office: 702.433.4455
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I received a mailer last week from a law office claiming that with a simple free workshop they could

FIX MY TRUST.  They pointed out a few reasons that my trust might not reflect my needs:

As much as I appreciate this other law office’s concern – they haven’t read my trust, so how do they know it’s broken?  I realize that I’m just being defensive since I’m in the same line of business.  In truth, the above items of concern are the same things that we talk about with clients when they establish or revise their documents.  I thought it would be good to respond to each of these items so that our thousands of loyal readers have confidence that the trusts that we draft do not leave our office with intended deficiencies.






If any of these listed items are of concern to you, please contact your attorney at Jeffrey Burr, Ltd. to schedule a meeting to discuss these issues as they relate to your existing and personalized plan.

Las Vegas Office
10000 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89135
Phone: 702.254.4455
Fax: 702.254.3330
Henderson Office
2600 Paseo Verde Parkway, Suite 200
Henderson, NV 89074
Phone: 702.433.4455
Fax: 702.451.1853
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